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‘Woman's worst enemy is another woman’: Why and how to fight it?

Mean women

Los Angeles : For a modern woman, life is already hard. She has to juggle her career with husband, kids, and family; then she is also expected to keep others happy and impress everyone with her great culinary skills and perfect art, craft exhibits in schools and among parent circles.

For years discussions have surrounded around how ‘men keep women down’- that is true of course, but one idea that really saddens me is that women are no moral support either.

A particular woman may not be satisfied with her life, she may be cribbing or getting frustrated deeply inside because of no opportunities, yet she will leave no stone unturned to criticise and demoralise the other woman who is able to struggle and achieve all that.

I wonder, we talk about fighting the evils of society, but how will we fight an evil that comes in the form of our great aunties, friends, neighbours, sisters or even mothers.

Let us turn a leaf from the book called ‘my personal experience’ and discuss ways to fight those who embarrass you ‘for being strong and taking ‘no shit’ attitude from society’.

1. If a woman is working, she takes care of her household and children but is not great at cooking and often boasts about her husband, who is a great cook, then trust me she should be ashamed of the fact. Why? Because how can she even let her husband do the daily chores, isn’t he already doing enough by being the main bread earner of family. Please don’t even think of the fact that the woman is earning, working, taking care of household, kids, even cooking (which she might hate). Her equally handling all the responsibilities does not make sense just because the man is earning. Wow- such hypocrites! In fact, I think because women are taught to be the weaker sex, they have actually started accepting that. Well, I guess they are actually weak and can never achieve anything big in life. Keep succumbing!

How to fight it? Don’t give a crap!

2. Being a woman, you should never be aggressive and blunt in other’s presence….oh cummon you know what you will be called ‘belligerent, a misfit and definitely not a woman’. Okay, what should a woman be actually? A human who always takes orders from others- first from the father, then husband and later from son. Or no, her only expertise should be at cooking and ‘female-centric issues’, praise lord and praise her! That’s it, don’t you ever dare to raise an opinion, for you have none. Great, keep going at this pace, you will certainly go back at least 200 years back in time. 

How to fight it? Don’t give a crap!

3. As a woman, you will be praised in circles if only you are great at gossiping, bitching and somehow being present at every other woman’s house. Because that is what all women, who have no ambition, do. In my opinion, such women certainly don’t know how to take care of their homes, are total losers and certainly have no goal in life. Keep bumping at the dead end.

How to fight it? Don’t give a crap!

Be it a man or woman, everybody likes to receive appreciation, but if that comes at the cost of the above pointers, please don’t be ‘that woman’. If you want to be happy do something with your life, and be a help, if not, at least praise the other woman for fighting the tyrant society. She is not struggling just for her own sake but for all those girls who are growing up to be what they want to be in their lives, and that may include even your daughter. Respect that and think again! 

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