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Yoga and Yog Maya Chai - Excellent benefits for health and spirit

Yoga and Yog Maya Chai - Excellent benefits for health and spirit

Noida : You might be wondering what is the correlation between yoga and Yog Maya Chai They are perfectly complementing each other as they can both bring you to a calmer state of mind.

The tea ceremony can be itself considered a type of yoga with slow movements, which brings you step by step to the present moment. 

There is so much more to tea than just the simple drink you see in front of you. It contains an entire philosophy and a way to truly change the people’s way of thinking.

Yoga is a spiritual discipline and it helps people shape their body and mind. It teaches how to pay attention to your own body and how to feel centered. Each pose brings you closer to the moment and to getting to know your body better.

Yoga and Yog Maya Chai benefits for health and spirit

1. Mindfulness

They are both working towards bringing some of the mindful moments in your day. Even if you are not fully aware of their power, in time you can learn to notice those moments.

Yoga makes you aware of every move and every breath. Every morning, while laying down your yoga mat and starting your routine you will start by being present. When you are on the mat, there is nothing else more important to do and nowhere else to be out there. Allow yourself those minutes just for yoga and truly enjoy them.

The ritual itself can be a short moment of mindfulness. It can be a perfect mindful moment in your morning routine next to a healthy breakfast. I recommend to start your day with a Yog Maya tea, as it helps kick-start your day, it is packed with antioxidants and it brings a lot of other benefits with it.

2. Calm

After finishing a yoga session, the body and mind feel more calm and relaxed. It is the combination of light stretches and being aware of every breath that takes you to a peaceful place in my mind. Practicing yoga at the beginning of the day will make you look forward to what the new day will bring, with a smile on my face. 

There are many herbal & Spices in Yog maya Chai which can help with calming your mind. There are so many varieties to enjoy. The ritual of preparing a cup of tea itself is a calming practice but herbal like aswgandhain and spice like turmeric in teas have plenty of benefits as well. For feeling calmer there is chamomile or lavender in yog maya chai tea.

3. Feel Better

Yoga makes your body feel warmed up and it stretches your muscles. After a morning yoga session, you will feel ready to face the new day. With this physical feeling, the day ahead looks more promising and it makes you feel good overall. 

If you are a tea lover, you already know that tea is always the solution for many problems, right? Whether you need tea for something specific, or you just want to enjoy its taste, it will always make you feel better. Just feeling the warm cup of your favorite yog maya tea in your hands will improve your mood.

4. Reduce Stress

We all tend to have hectic lives and if we forget to find a bit of time for us, we get conquered by stress and anxiety. To help you reduce these, both yoga and yog maya tea can easily help. 

Reducing stress goes hand in hand with mindfulness. The moment you finally manage to focus on the present, you step outside of your stress bubble. Feeling that you are in a calm and safe bubble, even if for a few minutes, helps a lot with managing and reducing stress. Both yoga and yog maya tea can help with this.

5. Health

Yoga keeps your body strong and flexible. It helps you be in a better shape for longer – look at all those old yogis!

I really hope that I will have the determination and ambition to take care of my body and allow myself to dedicate time to this. I am sure my future version will thank me if I will practice yoga regularly.

Yog maya tea is one of the healthiest drinks you can enjoy, assuming of course that it is natural. Avoiding chemicals and additives is better for your body.

Tea has no calorie, no sugar and it is packed with benefits. Each type of tea offers your body various benefits. It is a cheap way of taking care of your body. On top of all these benefits, they both have in common; yoga and yog maya tea can also work together. Yog maya tea which make a great companion before or after a yoga session. Enjoying a warm cup of tea is perfect for making a transition between the yoga session and the day ahead.

Recommended yog maya Chai to drink before and after a yoga session:

Health benefits of Ayurvedic herbs and spices in Yog Maya Chai According to Ayurvedic herbology, herbs and spices have a multitude of benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. They can be used internally or externally (through the skin) or even used as aromatherapy. The health benefits of consuming Ayurvedic herbs and spices are:

1. Aid weight loss

2. Help fight cancer

3. Detoxify the body and purify the blood

4. Improve digestion and other bodily functions

5. Help retain glowing and youthful looking skin

6. Improve overall vitality

7. Boost mental health

Here are some herbs and spices in Yog Maya Chai you must incorporate in your daily routine for a healthy lifestyle. These herbs can be used with other Ayurvedic approaches which may also include modifying one's diet, lifestyle choices and activity levels.

1. Ajwain - DIGESTION

Ajwain is a strong digestive and nerve stimulant. It functions as a weight loss herb by drawing out deep-seated toxins from the body. Ajwain also heals painful joints - it is an excellent herb to address vata issues.

Ajwain can be taken as a tea to assist with weight loss: simply boil 1 tsp of ajwain seeds in 16 ounces of water and consume instead of your green tea.

2. Ashwagandha - VITALITY

One of the best anti-aging herbs, Ashwagandha enhances vitality. This herb is crucial for people suffering from too much stress or who are overworked.

Take 1/2 teaspoon cooked in milk (sweeten with 1 tsp of raw honey).

Note that Ayurvedic herbs are able to go deeper into the tissues and cells when taken with healthy fat (such as ghee, butter or raw whole milk).

3. Brahmi - BRAIN TONIC

Brahmi is the best herb for the brain and nervous system. Brahmi also balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain and decalcifies the pineal gland. It is tridoshic (good for all three doshas), but is especially beneficial for balancing high pitta conditions. Brahmi removes toxins and blockages from the nervous system. It helps with depression, enhances intelligence and improves memory and concentration. It also happens to be great for hair growth!

Consume Brahmi every morning to rejuvenate the body and mind. Boil Brahmi leaves in water (drink as a tea) or boil it in milk or make Brahmi ghee. It can also be used as a medicated oil for hair and the nutrients will seep into the brain cells via the crown chakra.

4. Cardamom - TRANQUILIZER

Cardamom is a natural tranquilizer, bringing clarity and joy to the heart and mind. It neutralizes the acidity of coffee and caffeine - it also neutralizes the mucus-forming properties in milk. Cardamom removes excess kapha from stomach and lungs.

For the best results, add some cardamom pods or powder to coffee as you are brewing it or boil cardamom in warm milk and drink before bed.


Cumin enhances the digestive system and metabolism. It helps the body in nutrient absorption. Cumin can be especially useful for new moms as it cleanses the reproductive organs and improves milk secretion.

Use cumin while cooking to assist in the assimilation of micronutrients.

6. Manjistha - PURIFYING

Manjistha is probably the best blood purifying herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It is anti-inflammatory and clears acne. Manjistha cleans the blood and liver, lowering pitta disorders in the skin and helps clear acne. It cools and detoxifies the blood, cleanses and regulates liver and kidney functions.

Take this herb in capsule form (two capsules in the morning, and two capsules at night) if you have any pitta related skin disorders. Alternatively, you can take it with warm milk before bed. Manjistha can also be used as an external application for face packs or in case of skin diseases.

7. Neem - DETOX

Neem is one of the most powerful blood purifiers and detoxifiers in Ayurvedic herbology. It is ideal for wound healing and curing skin diseases and damage, especially from the sun. Neem is useful for all pitta disorders, such as skin and eyes. It works wonders for eczema and psoriasis skin flare-ups. It is also useful for joint and muscle pain.

Use neem on the skin in medicated oil.

8. Shatavari - FEMALE VITALITY

Shatavari is the best Ayurvedic root to rejuvenate women (as Ashwagandha is for men). Shatavari even translates to ‘she who possesses a thousand husbands!’ In other parlance, it also refers to hundreds of tubers collectively seen in its roots. It nourishes and cleanses the blood and the female reproductive organs.

Shatavari is readily available to consume in pill and powder form or it can be taken in ghee or cooked in milk, which is the preferred form.

9. Turmeric - BLOOD CLEANSER

Turmeric purifies the blood and the channels of the body. It improves the skin's complexion, bringing circulation and nutrition to the skin. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and is a perfect remedy to treat acne-prone skin. Turmeric balances all the doshas, but it balances pitta the most because of its blood-cleansing and liver-cleansing properties.

Ideally, consume 1 tsp of turmeric per day whether in capsule form or apply on the skin or as a part of your diet.

Boil some turmeric in goat milk with honey and consume before bed. If you consume turmeric on a regular basis, you will notice your health improve in a multitude of areas.

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