Pranav R Mehta takes over as GSC chairman

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Pranav R Mehta takes over as GSC chairman
Pranav R Mehta takes over as GSC chairman

New Delhi : India’s globally well known and visionary solar leader Pranav R Mehta took over as the Chairman of Washington DC based Global Solar Council (GSC) on 1st January, 2019. Global Solar Council which was launched during the landmark UN COP 21 at Paris on 06 December 2015 with the high decibel Paris Agreement period, is an international coalition from over 30 solar countries including China, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Australia, South Africa, Middle East, Israel, Brazil, Mexico, Taiwan, Malaysia etc. And more and more country associations as well as large, medium and small solar companies are joining this global solar organization. 

GSC is a private and NGO sector initiative response to global warming and climate change. Its aim is to accelerate solar growth, spread and deployment worldwide and works in close cooperation and hand in hand with international government bodies like ISA, IRENA, REN21, Clean Energy Ministerial etc. 

GSC inked an agreement of cooperation with ISA at Munich in June 2018 during Inter Solar Munich and has chalked out many activities with ISA including for solar agricultural pumps, capacity building, increased and varied solar applications etc. GSC has A similar agreement with IRENA and is an important player in the IRENA Coalition for Action and its steering committee.

Pranav R Mehta, highly regarded as a global solar energy thought leader led these GSC activities from front in his earlier capacity as GSC Chair Elect and its Co – Chairman since its inception. India’s growing imprint in the solar world may be seen from the fact that Pranav Mehta was invited by over 15 countries in the last two years to share his vision and experience in India’s impressive solar growth. It will not be an exaggeration to say that Pranav Mehta is equally loved and admired world over by the solar associations, communities in China, USA, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Arab World, Argentina, ISA, IRENA Coalition for Action and solar corporate world globally.

Pranav Mehta started his solar journey way back in 2006 when India was at Zero Megawatts solar capacity and is credited with having played a catalytic and pivotal role in opinion building, emphasis and awareness about the importance of solar energy, integrating the efforts of all solar energy stakeholders including the Govt and private sector as well as the intellectual inputs – leading India to a place amongst the top 5 solar players in the world and third largest solar market – an impressive feat, indeed. But the suave and low profile attributes the credit to the political will and leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and in equal measure to solar industry players and all stake holders including the government.

“ India’s impressive growth would not have been complete without Prime Minister and his governments enabling policies, role of proactive bureaucracy and significant contribution of solar industry players in terms of capital investment, technology deployment, employment generation, skill development, innovative financing and above all achieving cost reduction.” 

Pranav R Mehta to receive the Solar Visionary and Influencer Award at Abu Dhabi next week :

For his contributions to the solar sector acrossthe world, Shri Pranav Mehta who has been keeping the Indian Flag flying high in the solar arena, has been conferred with Visionary Disruptor award by Solar Future Today, which he will be receiving on 15th January, 2019 at the sidelines of World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi.

Pranav Mehta is a globally well respected name in Solar and environmental sectors and is a firm believer in the slogan “Dream Come True” and continues to work for Sustainable Development with his characteristic perseverance and zeal.

GSC’s Future Plans

As for GSC’s future plans GSC Chairman Mehta says: 

“My heart goes out to the energy have nots”

We in Global Solar Council will strive to achieve not only growth but spread of solar energy globally and reach out to those who have no access to energy. To this end we will – together with and in consultation with ISA, IRENA, World Governments and likeminded positive organizations will strive to achieve worldwide by 2030 : 

• 1.0 Trillion Mini Grids ensuring decentralised energy

• 1.0 Trillion Solar Homes

• 1.0 Trillion Solar Homes

• 10.0 million jobs

Ofcourse, we will aim at 1.0 million of each of the above items and then scale it up deploying new storage and other technologies.