National Happiness Unicorn Awards held at the verdant Kanha Shanti Vanam over the weekend
New Delhi : The awards authorized by AICTE in association with Heartful campus and YourOneLife are the first National Awards recognizing the happiest institutions in India. All states were represented, and awards were given.
AICTE is the higher education regulator which has 9000 plus institutes under its gambit Pan-India, impacting 7 million students.
YourOneLife is a unique app created by Yogi Kochhar, who has earlier been part of the leadership team at Microsoft.
Said Prof Sahasrabudhe, Chairman of AICTE, “The digital invasion in the lives of students is impacting their attention spans and slicing, dicing and tossing their minds in the cauldron of social media. It is not only impacting their attention spans, rather their entire endocrinal system and in turn their emotional and physical health. We have approved YourOneLife for introduction in the Indian academics, thanks to the NEP. Interestingly the app that is also another ‘digital intervention’, counters the ‘digital invasion’. It monitors and calibrates the mind share, mindmap and happiness index of all the students”
Speaking on the occasion, Yogi Kochhar the founder of the app said, “The app has *12 dimensions. It improves the IQ and EQ of the user and offers them NFTs for using the app. It is interesting how India with 4 times the population of US is 1/8th the size of the US economy. In effect this means that US is 32 times stronger than us. It happens because US recognizes ‘mindshare’ and not ‘market share’ for promotion of its technology. Today facebook is a 1Trn USD enterprise with 2.5 bn users. Thereby meaning each users ‘captive mindshare’ with Facebookis worth $400 to facebook.
An MOU was signed between the Institute of Heartfulness and YourOneLife by Yogi Kochhar and Dr. Nivedita Shreyans and Mr. Ramesh Krishnan representing the Institute of heratfulness. Under the scope of the MOU one of the *12 dimensions of the app, namely ‘conscience’ will be curated, updated and managed by the Institute of heartfulness.
Jio TV has offered a mobile channel to this alliance promoting heartfulness and happiness and the announcement was also made. Mr Balasubramniam Iyer- VP Jio Platforms Ltd. said “It is a priviledge to join hands with the Institute of heartfulness and YouOneLife.
Sanjay Sehgal, Director PR for the institute of heartfulness said, “This gives us an opportunity to reinforce the meditative practices and galvanize the mind and heart. We just concluded a program with over 16000 attendees on the practice of meditation. Indeed measures have to be taken to defend the heart and mind to effectively navigate the tech landscape ahead. Studies reveal the average screen time of an individual is between 4.5 to 6 hours daily and growing every year. YourOneLife neutralizes how the minds are short circuited by technology and are being washed away together with human values.”
Speaking on the occasion, Rev. Dr. KVK Rao, the general secretary of the FSFTI that is an association of the self funded technical institutions with over 5000 colleges as their members said, ”The happiness app YourOneLife has been approved by AICTE for grant of credit per student/semester and we intend introducing this across all our member institutions in India”.
The chief Guest was Mrs. K. Kavitha, Member of Legistlative council Nizamabad, said, “While Telengana is turning the tide, and we realize the need to create a strong rib cage that can withhold the growing aspirations and per capita income within the state. We realise the importance to do that with an equally strong commitment to ensure that happiness and heartfulness form the foundation of this growth. The heart of Telengana must dance to the beat of happiness. We are supporting this program not just for Telengana but happy to provide it wings to be made available pan-India with YourOneLife and FSFTI.”
The grand program was successful and several Vice Chancellors and directors of the various institutions from all over India participated.