CBSE Board Results: CBSE 10th Results 2017 likely to be announced on June 2

New Delhi : The Central Board of secondary education (CBSE) is likely to declare Class 10 board Exam Results on 2 June 2017, according to Candidates who have been appeared in CBSE Class 10 examamination, they will able to Check CBSE 10th Result 2017 from the official website of CBSE that is
This year, CBSE successfully conducted the class 10th exams from March 9 to April 10, while class 12th board exams were held from March 9 to April 29.Currently the Board evaluate students answer sheet and as soon as possible to come out with the 10 Class Result CBSE 2017.
Over 27,65,993 students are eagerly waiting for CBSE class 10, class 12 results 2017. The students can access their CBSE results from the official website. This year there was a delay in the commencement of the board examination due to state assembly elections in Punjab, Manipur, Goa, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh
CBSE 10th Class Exam 2017 Details:
Name of Board: Central Board of Secondary Education
Name of Exam: CBSE 10th Class Board Exam 2017
Exam Date: 09th March to 10th April 2017
CBSE 10th Results Declaration Date: 2 June 2017 (Expected)
Official Website:
Last year, the total number of candidates registered for class 10 were 14,91,371, while for the class 12 were 10,65,179.
Steps to Check CBSE Board 10th Result 2017
1. Go to the official website,
2. Click on “Secondary School Certificate Examination (Class X ) 2017”.
3. Please enter your Roll Number.
4. Click on Submit Button.
5. CBSE 10th Results with Marksheet displayed on the screen.
6. Check your result.
7. Download and Take print out of the results for future usages.
NOTE: There are NO More Grace Marks. By the latest news of CBSE Board, there will be no extra marks for difficulty questions. Before the students will get the 15% Grace marks for examination & in higher study admission. Incase, still the candidates will be granted grace marks if they need to pass an exam.
About CBSE Board:
Central Board of secondary education is the famous board in India. Lakhs of students are enrolled every year at the various level of education. CBSE Board was inaugurated on 3rd November 1962 under the Central Government. CBSE Board prescribed the text book, syllabus every year. CBSE conducts all level of examination every year. Exams are very important for the students for appearing in the next level of education. Various schools are affiliated with this board.