Odd-Even 3: Exemption for CNG vehicles end, benefits for women to stay

New Delhi : Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday announced the return of Odd-Even Scheme in the national capital; the scheme will be implemented for the third time from November 4-15.
In a new change to the scheme, CM Arvind Kejriwal said that CNG vehicles will also have to follow the rules this year. However, the scheme will not be applicable during the weekend, an exemption that carried on from the two previous times.
What remains same is the exemption to the women drivers for safety reasons.
Announcing the move, Kejriwal said, “Women driving alone, cars with women-only occupants and women accompanied by children less than 12 years old will be exempted from the rule.
The scheme will remain effective in the city from 8AM to 8PM.
What is Odd-Even Scheme?
As the name suggests, vehicles with license plates ending with even numbers operate on ‘even’ dates and those with license plates ending in odd numbers operating on ‘odd’ dates. The flagship scheme was first ever implemented on January 2016 and then in November 2017.
Why it is implemented in Delhi?
Many studies have rated Delhi as the most polluted capital city in the world. Its pollution levels increase drastically during October-November due to firecrackers that are burst on the festival of Diwali as well as stubble burning in the neighbouring states.