9 minutes at 9 PM: Key points from PM Modi's video message to nation

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9 minutes at 9 PM: Key points from PM Modi's video message to nation
9 minutes at 9 PM: Key points from PM Modi's video message to nation

New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday morning addressed the nation with a video message in which he asked the citizens to show they are united in fight against coronavirus. Here are key points from his video message:

1: During lockdown, thoughts like you are alone in the fight may come, but please remember, none of us is alone. The strength of 130 crores of Indians is with each one of us.

2: The way you paid gratitude to people fighting against COVID-19 on March 22, it became a model that is being emulated by other countries. Janata curfew and ringing of bells/clanging utensils made the country aware of its unity amid this challenging time.

3: I request all of of you to switch off all the lights of your house on 5th April at 9 PM for 9 minutes, and just light a candle, 'diya', or mobile's flashlight, to mark our fight against coronavirus.

4: I appeal to people to avoid gathering anywhere during this period. You don't have to go out on the streets and in the colonies, but do it from your doorsteps and balconies.