Hardik Patel hunger strike enters 11th day, HD Deve Gowda asks him to end it

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Hardik Patel hunger strike enters 11th day, HD Deve Gowda asks him to end it
Hardik Patel hunger strike enters 11th day, HD Deve Gowda asks him to end it

Bangalore : Former Karnataka Chief Minister HD Deve Gowda wrote a heartfelt letter to Hardik Patel asking him to quit his hunger strike that has entered into the 11th day. "Your services for good causes are needed in future," he wrote in the letter.

HD Deve Gowda also wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi asking him to intervene in the matter and get the issue resolved at the earliest.

Hardik Patel had started his hunger strike onto death on August 25 at his home in Ahmedabad. He refused to eat anything till the time his demands of reservation for Patel community are not fulfilled.

He has also sought a loan waiver for the farmers in the state as well.

 (Image: ANI)