Mann Ki Baat: PM Modi explains ban on e-cigarettes to prevent youth

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Mann Ki Baat: PM Modi explains ban on e-cigarettes to prevent youth
Mann Ki Baat: PM Modi explains ban on e-cigarettes to prevent youth

New Delhi : Addressing Mann Ki Baat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that his government banned e-cigarettes to prevent youth from falling for the new way of intoxication.

He explained that there is a big misconception about e-cigarettes that they are not harmful for health. In his address he explained, several harmful chemicals are added to it which leave a bad effect on the human body.

"They are completely unaware of its danger and for this reason sometimes e-cigarettes sneak into the house out of sheer curiosity. Kids at times pretending to be showing some magical trick, blow smoke in the presence of Peer Company or their parents, without lighting #cigarette or striking a match to light it! And as if a magic show is going on, the family members respond with applause!"

Urging people to shun tobacco, the prime minister warned that e cigarettes, which are used as a “fashion statement”, are a new way of getting addicted to nicotine.

Earlier, this month, the government had completely banned the sale and use of e-cigarettes in India. Under the new law, sale, purchase, import, manufacture, storage and distribution of e-cigarettes is banned. The law awards a maximum punishment of a three-year jail term and Rs 5 lakh fine for any violation.