Major book publishers lose case against North Campus photocopy shop

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New Delhi : Delhi High Court on Friday observed that "copyright is not a divine right" and allowed Delhi University to issue photocopies of textbooks by major publishers.

The justice made it clear that students getting textbooks photocopied from Delhi University library enjoy protection under Section 52 of the Copyright Act, which exempts education from copyright infringement.

Delhi High Court in its order concluded there are no restrictions on from where a book is being photocopied till the time it is being used for the purpose of education.

In 2012, major publishers had filed a copyright infringement case against a modest shop in North Campus for selling photocopies of their books. 

"Copyright, specially in literary works, is thus not an inevitable, divine, or natural right that confers on authors the absolute ownership of their creations. It is designed rather to stimulate activity and progress in the arts for the intellectual enrichment of the public," the Justice observed.

Responding to the verdict, the publishers in a joint statement said, "It is unfortunate that the court's decision could undermine the availability of original content for the benefit of students and teachers."



# Delhi High Court on Friday ruled that there will be no case of copyright infringement if a textbook is being photocopied for educational purpose.

# Delhi high court allowed Delhi University to issue photocopies of major textbooks published by leading publishers

# Copyright is no divine right, ruled Delhi High Court.

# In 2012, a group of publishers had objected to the photocopy shop in the university selling course pack.

# Publishers, on the other hand, registered their disappointment over the verdict. And also called it not appropriate for the future of students.