COVID-19: People staying at home are more vulnerable to coronavirus
Seoul : Originated from Wuhan, China, this deadly and highly contagious virus has made all of our lives very difficult. Coronavirus managed to spread from one country to numerous others across the globe and at this point of time, there are hardly any countries that have been left untouched by this virus. Coronavirus affects different people in different ways and can cause different symptoms depending upon person to person and their health condition and history.
We're all stuck at home in fear of contracting this deadly virus that had caused a large number of deaths and confirmed coronavirus cases. Most of us are scared of stepping out for work and even grocery shopping sometimes but we all fail to understand that this virus can find its way into our homes without even doing it.
Researcher suggests that most people contract coronavirus from people within their own homes as compared to people outside their homes. We spend a lot of time at home with our family and roommates and end up being in close contact with them without realizing who all they might have come in contact with.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a study which looked at all the 5706 people who tested positive for COVID-19 and all the people who came in contact with them. The study concluded that only 2 out of 100 people caught the virus from outside of their homes while 1 out of 10 people got infected by their own family members. Moreover, it was noted that the infection rate was higher in households where a teenager or a member who is 60+ years got infected first. One of the authors of this study Jeong Eun-kyeong, director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), said, "This is probably because these age groups are more likely to be in close contact with family members as the group is in more need of protection or support,"
Another thing that came to light was that children with COVID-19 were more likely to be asymptomatic as compared to adults. Dr Choe Young-june, a Hallym University College of Medicine assistant professor who co-led the work said, "The difference in the age group has no huge significance when it comes to contracting COVID-19. Children could be less likely to transmit the virus, but our data is not enough to confirm this hypothesis,".