Strange sea creature with no eyes; social media calls 'baby alien'
New Delhi : The sea is home to strange creatures which, quite often, knock our grey cell. Lately, an Australian fisherman has captured a rare fish with no eyes and sharp teeth. And, the picture of this mysterious sea creature has gone viral on social media. Guardian reports that Andrew Rose was fishing in the Northern Territory's Kakadu National Park when he caught the 15cm-long fish.
"It looked prehistoric," says Andrew. "It looked like something you see in the movies. The lure wasn't swimming right, I pulled it and it had this strange looking fish on it. We didn't know what it was. We took photos, took him off the hook and put him back in the water."
Andrew's friend and fellow angler Tee Hokin say that that the creature they found is just like a character of the 1979 movie Alien. "It's like purpley-brown, it had a really weird head, but the body was like an eel and it didn't even move or wriggle; it was like stunned, like stealth mode."
Smartly, before putting the wired fish back in water, Andrew took a couple of pictures that he shared on his official Facebook page. "Has anyone caught one of these before?" he enquired.
The pictures have gone viral like wild fire and each one is getting endless comments.
"Baby alien," suggested one commenter. "That's a nope fish," wrote another. "Predator's love child," a third said.
Dr Michael Hammer, a curator of fishes from the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, told ABC News that the fish appeared to be a worm goby, though there is a chance that it could also be a totally new species.
"They have no eyes and live their life under the mud and are pretty rarely seen by people," he said.
He also added that they are not dangerous. "They still have very glass-like, small little teeth so a few people have said when they've caught them that they get a bite from them, but it's not dangerous."