Trump tape: Donald's comments on groping women blasts Twitter

New Delhi : As Donald Trump tape reached public, condemnation from politicians, pundits and celebrities was unavoidable.
All blasted twitter with their reactions over lewd comments by Donald Trump in 2005 video recorded during a soap opera where Trump was supposed to make a cameo appearance.
The video unearthed by The Washington Post features the real estate mogul bragging about kissing and groping women he is attracted to.
Watch video here:
Twitter reactions:
As the grandfather of two precious girls, I find that no apology can excuse away Donald Trump's reprehensible comments degrading women.
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) October 7, 2016
I never heard him "apologize" for talking to me & others about his family member's spouse, and especially her breasts. THIS IS WHO HE IS.
— ashley judd (@AshleyJudd) October 7, 2016
Will the Trump supporters who proudly wore "Deplorables" shirts now wear "Grab Them By the P****" shirts?
— Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) October 7, 2016
America deserves far better than @realDonaldTrump
— Jeff Flake (@JeffFlake) October 7, 2016
Let me repeat: We patriotic, pro-democracy, anti-sexual assault Americans? We. Have had. Enough. Of @realDonaldTrump
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 7, 2016
Evangelicals must denounce @realDonaldTrump's vile misogyny. Our witness is at stake. #EvangelicalsAgainstTrump
— Jim Wallis (@jimwallis) October 7, 2016
Just another Friday in #2016. Can't even watch the news with my kids.
— Jason Johnson (@jasonsjohnson) October 7, 2016
After all such condemnations, a new wave of questions has begun over his candidature for the Presidential seat. Well, the man (Donald J.Trump) has already apologised for his private conversation with Billy Bush.
Now, it will be interesting to see how he defends himself during his debate with Hillary Clinton scheduled two days after the release of the video.
Also Read: Complete news about leaked Donald Trump tape, including reaction from opponents and his apology.
# Celebrities, pundits and politicians condemn Donald Trump for talking vulgar about women
# Many shared their reactions on Twitter and literally blasted him off
# The Washington Post released a video showing Trump bragging about groping women
# Donald Trump apologised for his words in a very private conversation with Billy Bush.