Video: Turkish Jetliner skids off the runway, dives nose-down into a cliff near Black sea
Turkey : A Turkish passenger aeroplane trying to land in Turkey this weekend stopped heartbeats of 162 onboard passengers after is skid off a runway, ending up nose-down into the side of a cliff a few yards away from the Black Sea.
Authorities have not mentioned a cause behind the skid off while they mentioned it as a "runway excursion incident."
All 162 passengers, two pilots and four cabin-crew members were rescued safely, Pegasus Airlines said.
The plane skidded off to the left after it made a landing on a single runway that runs parallel to the Black Sea.
Images show the Boeing 737-800 stuck at a downward angle on the muddy cliff that adjoins the Black Sea. Other images taken by local media show smoke escaping the aircraft, according to the Agence France-Presse.
Trabzon Gov. Yucel Yavuz said has revealed that the authorities are investigating the cause behind the incident.
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В аэропорту турецкого города Трабзон самолет Боинг-737 компании Pegasus Airlines при посадке выкатился за пределы взлетно-посадочной полосы и едва не скатился по склону в море На борту лайнера, летевшего из Анкары, находились 162 человека. Их всех эвакуировали.
— Алексей Иванов (@AlexeyIvanovZZ) January 14, 2018