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Another sonic boom like sound puzzles Bengaluru

Another sonic boom like sound puzzles Bengaluru

New Delhi : A loud sound on Friday noon puzzled residents of Bengaluru. The Indian Air Force (IAF) denied their role in what many suspected to be like a sonic boom last year.

The sound, which many described as a loud "boom", was heard around 12.30 pm in the Karnataka capital.

Last year, a similar sound was heard in many parts of Bengaluru, which was later confirmed as a sonic boom of an aircraft on a test flight.

"IAF denies any flying activity or any known action from their side to have caused any loud sound reportedly heard in Bengaluru. None of the IAF bases or Units including ASTE (Aircraft and Systems Testing Establishment) was flying at that time," said a Defence spokesperson in Bengaluru.

Meanwhile, many people from Bengaluru shared their experience on the social media.

On May 21 last year, the aircraft took off from the Bengaluru airport on its test flight and flew in the allotted airspace well outside city limits, the Defence Ministry tweeted.

"...The sonic boom was probably heard while the aircraft was decelerating from supersonic to subsonic speed between 36,000 and 40000 feet altitude," it said.

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