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Beat summer heat with hot tea, advised by experts

Green tea is also known to repair damaged tissue and cells caused due to exposure to Sun and radiation.

New Delhi : Do you avoid sipping in hot tea during summer season? If so, then you shouldn’t!  Experts say that hot tea cools your body temperature down more than any ice-cold beverages.  It may be surprising but it’s the fact.

Well, the possible reason might be the small amount of caffeine present in tea or may be drinking hot tea makes you sweat which in turn gives a cooling effect on your body. 

According to Professor Peter McNaughton, a neuroscientist at the University of Cambridge, consuming hot beverages such as tea or hot water will raise your core body temperature. And this makes you to sweat more, a report by Deutsche Welle said.

Tea for More Sweat

The nerves present in our mouths and in our upper digestive tract react to the heat of the beverage, stimulating the brain to produce more sweat. And as it evaporates, the sweat effectively cools you down, said Deutsche Welle.

Tea experts suggest that a warm cup of Kashmiri Kahwa or the High Mountain Oolong tea offer pleasing effect in summer days.

Kashmiri Kahwa contains saffron, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves along with one or two dried fruits. The kind of tea helps to cleanse the digestive system and improves metabolism.

Oolong Tea triggers the enzymes that cut down triglycerides, a type of fat present in our blood. Experts say this tea is more than just a fat burner. It contains niacin, which helps to detoxify the body, and has antioxidants that can help put a stop to tooth decay.

Tea for Better Digestion

In summer, the hot and humid weather conditions creates a lot of heat in our body making the digestive system vulnerable to illnesses. Expert says that drinking a warm cup of 'Tulsi' green tea after meals helps in easy digestion.

Tulsi green tea is also known to repair damaged tissue and cells caused due to exposure to Sun and radiation.

Hibiscus tea and ginger lemon green tea can also help to get relieve from nausea and indigestion that are mostly seen in summer.

So this hot summer days cool your body with cup of hot tea! It’s tough but not that impossible.


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