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Stunning images of Kyiv, California fire, Mount Everest, Patagonia, Grand Canyon from ISS

Stunning images of Kyiv, California fire, Mount Everest, Patagonia, Grand Canyon from ISS

New Delhi : NASA scientists keep on posting stunning images of Earth land captured from cameras placed at the International Space Station. Here are some pictures of Kyiv, California fire, Patagonia and Grand Canyon shared by NASA astronauts on their social media accounts.

Bresnik, the commander of Expedition 53, captured the Grand Canyon from the International Space Station at an altitude of about 250 miles above Earth.

U.S. astronaut Randy Bresnik published a picture of Kyiv he took from the International Space Station, the orbiting scientific outpost that has been circling the planet since 1998.

Bresnik posted the photo of Kyiv at night on his Facebook page on December 12, along with photos of Dublin, Ireland, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Edinburgh, Scotland.

“Good night from International Space Station. Kyiv Ukraine, Dublin Ireland, Copenhagen Denmark, Edinburgh Scotland,” the post reads.

He also shares stunning verticals of mount Everest covered in white snow.

Russian astronaut Sergey Ryazansky has been sharing captivating images of the surface of the Earth taken from the ISS via social media accounts.

The three crew members from International Space Station will land on Earth on Thursday.

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