SSC MTS 2017 Exam Cancelled: Latest notifications on Re-Examination dates and schedule
New Delhi : The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has decided to cancel the Multi Tasking Staff (MTS - Non Technical) examination 2016 that were held in the months of April and May 2017. The notice has been released for the examinations already conducted on April 30 and May 14 and and to be conducted on May 28, June 6 and June 11.
As per the official notification released at, The commission has further said that to avoid any further malpractice in the exam, it will hold MTS exam in online mode (computer based).
Latets Notification Released by SSC "The Commission has taken a decision to cancel the Multi-Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) Examination, 2016 in the OMR based mode for all 5 days (viz. the examinations already conducted on 30.4.2017 and 14.5.2017, and to be conducted on 28.5.2017, 4.6.2017 and 11.6.2017). The said examination would now be conducted by the Commission afresh in the computer based mode, tentatively during the month of September-October, 2017. The details in this regard would be hosted on the website of the Commission in due course."
The notification for SSC MTS exam 2016 to fill 8300 group B & C cadre vacancies was published in the month of February 2017. The tentative dates for the SSC MTS exam 2017 will be in the months of September-October, 2017. Candidates can check the details in this regard on the official website of Staff Selection Commission (SSC).
According to,"This news is a shock to more than 50 lakh aspirants of SSC MTS Examination. The examination was conducted at various centers across the nation. Few slots of the examination were remaining.
Now, as per the latest notification released on the official website of Staff Selection Commission 2017, the Multi-Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) Examination, 2016 that was conducted in the OMR based mode stands cancelled for all 5 days."
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