RRB NTPC 2nd stage CBT Results 2016 can be out on May 26 at official website rrbbpl.nic.in
New Delhi : RRB NTPC Results 2016: The Railway Recruitment Board's will be releasing the RRB NTPC 2nd stage results 2016 by May 26, according to the notification published on the official website of the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) at rrbbpl.nic.in. The RRB NTPC results 2016 will be available at RRB zonal websites.
Aspirants are required to check results of RRB NTPC by May 26 at official website rrbbpl.nic.in by logging in to the official website by entering the required details like registration id, hall ticket number and other details.
The candidates who had appeared for RRB NTPC Cen 03/2015 are notified that if they appeared in the 2nd Stage CBT during January 17th to January 19th, 2017 were advised to exercise option of filling fresh post preferences from May 8 2017 (00.00 hrs) to May 14, 2017 (23.59 hrs) through the link provided for the purpose on RRB websites.
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Normalized score cards of RRB NTPC Cen 03/2015 will be available by May 26 at official website rrbbpl.nic.in or rrbmumbai.gov.in. For the posts of Category No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, ECRC & Goods Guard); merit will be drawn on the basis of marks obtained in 2nd Stage CBT only, but will be finalised after conclusion of Aptitude Test and Typing Skill Test. In the meantime, normalized score cards of the 2nd Stage examination held during 17th to 19th January, 2017 will be provided to the candidates through RRB websites by 26.5.2017(Friday).
Candidates are hereby advised that all necessary communications regarding further steps shall continue to be brought to their notice in due course through Website of the respective Railway Recruitment Boards and/or through SMS/emails
How to check the RRB NTPC Results 2016:
1. Aspirants should first click on the official website - indianrailways.gov.in
2. Click on the link 'RRB NTPC Results 2016'
3. Click on activated link Result link RRB 2nd stage NTPC (Graduate) Exam (CBT) against CEN 03/2015’
4. Enter the details like registration number and date of birth
5. Press Submit button
6. Your RRB NTPC Exam Results will appear on the screen
7. Download the result and take a printout for the future reference
About Railway Recruitment Board:
Railway Recruitment Control Board is a government organization in India. It was set up in 1998 in the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), New Delhi. The major aims of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is to appoint employees to work in Indian railways. Railway Recruitment Boards are organizations under the Government of India that manage the appointment of new employees to work in Indian railways. There are 21 boards situated in different parts of India.