Govt to double farmers income by 2022: PM Modi
New Delhi : In an effort to directly connect with the beneficiaries of several government schemes, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today praised farmers for making India self sufficient in agricultural sector over the decades. He took to video conferencing to communicate farmers.
Record says that it is the sixth interaction between Narendra Modi and farmers via video conference. The sequence of interaction started on the eve of successful completion of four years Modi government.
Prime Minister Modi took pride to mention that the budget for the agriculture sector has been doubled to Rs 2.12 lakh crore during first four years of his government compared to the previous five years of the UPA administration.
“In 2017-18, 280 million tonnes of foodgrains were produced as compared to an average of 250 million tonnes between 2010 and 2014. Pulses production has increased 10.5 per cent,” said Modi.
Key points that PM Modi addressed to the farmers during video conferencing
• Our government is working vigorously for our farming community.
• We have made efforts to make sure that farmers get adequate price for their cultivated crops. Our commitment towards that finds expression in this year's budget.
• Government has doubled the budget for agriculture to Rs 2.12 lakh crore to achieve its objective of doubling farm income by 2022.
• India is not just observing record foodgrain production but milk, fruit and vegetable productivity too are at maintaining high levels.
• Soil health cards are being provided to help farmers for better understanding of soil nutrient and advice them on the dosage of fertilisers.
• We have also made coating policy compulsory to bring down sale of fertilisers, despite record farm production.
Earlier, the Prime Minister had listened to the recipients of free cooking gas (LPG) scheme, financial addition ideas, start-up enterpreneurs, health scheme and digitial India.
Possibly few more government schemes are yet to come up to bring positive changes in the country. Thanks to the Modi government!