Last date to file Income Tax returns today: Check how to do it
New Delhi : If you have still not filed your Income Tax returns then do it on or before July 31 as the Central Board of Direct Taxation (CBDT) on Saturday announced that last date of e-filing the income tax returns will not be extended.
As per the announcement, the tax payers can e-file their income tax returns via Income Tax online portal on or before July 31.
The CBDT announcement comes after some media channels reported that the government is planning to extend the last date of filing Income Tax returns that remains to be July 31, the chamber clarified.
The tax payers have been urged to do the needful in time for timely completion of the procedure.
The government was considering the possibility of extending the July 31 deadline for the filing income tax return, a senior bureaucrat in the finance ministry told a leading business daily on Friday.
"Taxpayers this year have been facing many new difficulties, so prima facie there is a genuine case to extend the deadline," said this government official.
ALSO READ: All India ITR launches income tax e-filing mobile application
1: Go to the official website -
2: Click on Quick filing of returns tab on the left side
3: Login with your pan card details.
4: Select the appropriate ITR form.
5: Fill and submit it.
6: After submitting, tax payers can e-verify it using Adhaar card verification.
7: Save the PDF form for future references.