Pregnant women can now get coronavirus vaccines, CoWin, walk-in registration allowed
New Delhi : Pregnant women have been allowed to take the coronavirus vaccine shots from Friday onward. The registration for the same will be allowed on CoWin application, as well as the walk-in registration will also be allowed.
Recently, the Union government had issued a fresh advisory in which it mentioned that the coronavirus vaccine is a must.
“The COVID-19 vaccines available are safe & vaccination protects pregnant women against COVID-19 illness/disease like other individuals,” the guidelines read.
The new advisory came just days after the central government approved the vaccination of pregnant women.
“Pregnancy does not increase the risk of COVID-19 infection. Most pregnant women will be asymptomatic or have a mild disease. BUT their health may deteriorate rapidly and that might affect the foetus too,” the health ministry stated.
The guideline also mentioned that the pregnant women who have tested positive for coronavirus must take their shots after delivery.