Mohun Bagan complain to AIFF about poor refereeing in derby

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Kolkata : City football giants Mohun Bagan on Thursday shot off a letter to All India Football Federation (AIFF) president Praful Patel complaining about incompetent refereeing.

The green and maroon brigade lost the I-League derby against East Bengal 3-2 before the Mariners returned to winning ways with a 1-0 win over Minerva on Wednesday.

Club director Swapan Sadhan Bose complained that they "suffered immensely due to some extremely poor and incompetent decisions by the referee and linesman."

"Modern day football across the globe has witnessed the uses of VAR and goalline technology. But it's missing in Indian football," Bose wrote in his letter.

"The I-League is evenly poised as any of the top seven teams can become champions. We do not desire any favours from the AIFF but expect the game to be played fair," he added.

Published : Thursday, December 20, 2018 20:30 [IST]
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