Nipah Virus: Must-know facts about this viral infection
New Delhi : Nipah Virus is spreading like wild fire in the different corners of Kerala resulting in death of people each new day. Though supportive care is provided to the infected patients, no specific therapy for this infection has been introduced. If you have no knowledge about this virus, then take a look at the information about Nipah shared by health expert at National Nodal Centre for Control of Yellow fever and other communicable diseases.
Must-know questions with answers about Nipah Virus
Q 1: When was Nipah Virus discovered?
A: Nipah virus was initially discovered when it caused an outbreak of brain fever among pig framers’ in Malaysia.
Q 2: Should you be worried about Nipah infection?
A: Yes you should be! Nipah infection gets transmitted from person to person and there is no effective antiviral therapy for this infection.
Q 3: Who can be affected with the Nipah virus? How it get transmitted?
A: People working in pig farms and consuming pork have high risk of this infection. Also, farmers who come in contact with bats and those who are in contact with Nipah infected people may carry the infection at faster pace.
Also, consuming fruits which are already bitten by bat may cause this viral disease.
Q 4: What are the initial symptoms of Nipah infection?
A: The initial symptoms are non-specific and characterized by sudden fever, headache, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting. Also, some patients’ complaint about neck rigidity and photophobia. The infection progresses with deterioration in consciousness leading to coma within a few days.
Q 5: How is Nipah viral infection diagnosed?
A: National Institute of Virology, Pune suggest to conduct ELISA to diagnose the infection.
Q 6: What is the specific treatment for Nipah viral infection?
A: There is no approved therapy invented to treat the infection. Health experts are providing intensive care to the infected patients, as of now.
Q 7: How to stop Nipah virus from spreading?
A: Prevention is better than cure. To prevent the infection from spreading it is necessary to avoid contact with pigs and ping handlers. Avoid consuming raw fruits and vegetables and prefer well cooked, clean homemade food till the outbreak diminishes.
It is advisable to use mask while travelling or working in public places to avoid virus in air. Also, beware of the symptoms and visit the doctor immediately for early diagnosis.