Nasa Ames Space Settlement Contest 2017: Chennai boy wins 'Moon' prize for his proposal on connecting Earth with Moon via elevator
Chennai : 18-year-old boy from Chennai - Sai Kiran - bagged the second prize in the grade 12 category of the Nasa Ames Space Settlement Contest, 2017. This annual contest is organised by NASA Ames Research Center, the National Space Society (NSS), and San Jose State University.
Sai had submitted his project proposal on connecting the Earth with Moon via elevators for making a human settlement possible on the latter. The annual contest was organised by NASA Ames Research Center, San Jose State University, and the National Space Society (NSS); they had invited entries from students up to 12th grade for designing proposed human settlements on the Moon.
On knowing about the contest, Sai Kiran started working on his project in the year 2013 and also started writing thesis on the same.His proposal titled, ‘Connecting Moon, Earth and Space’ and ‘HUMEIU Space Habitats’ revolved around providing bases for humans to be transported to the Moon so that they can settle there. He added that the most important aspect of the theories was centripetal acceleration.
According to Sai Kiran, the first segment of the project is about creating elevators that could transport humans and cargo to the Moon so that humans can form their settlements there.
“The first segment of the project is about creating elevators that could transport humans and cargo to the Moon so that humans can form their settlements there.
The most important aspect was that of gravity as without gravity, humans won’t be able to settle there,” The Asian Age report quotes Sai Kiran.
While Sai Kiran grapped the second spot, a student of the British International School emerged out as the winner of the competition.