NASA to reveal new discoveries on ocean worlds in our solar system
Washington : NASA who needs no introduction and everyday amazes people with its new discovery and researches is all set to reveal one more discovery of them. NASA this week at a conference will release new results about ocean worlds in our solar system.
The news they will release is particularly founded by the Saturn probe Cassini spacecraft and the Hubble space telescope Agency, said NASA. Also the new discoveries will further help in informing in advance future ocean world explosion- including NASA's upcoming Europa Clipper mission planned for launch in the 2020s - and the broader search for life beyond the Earth.
The conference will be held at the James Webb Auditorium at NASA Headquarters in Washington on Thursday at 11.30 pm India time (2:00 pm EDT), will also have participation from experts across US.
Also NASA’S Cassini Spacecraft which was launched in 1997 and came at Saturn in 2004, is all set to its 20 year journey on September 15. The agency’s Europa Clipper would place a spacecraft in orbit around Jupiter, to study the detailed investigation of the giant planet’s moon Europa. This shows evidences for an ocean of liquid water beneath its icy crust, which could prove favorable conditions for life.