NASA scientists find farthest known galaxy just 500 million years old
New Delhi : NASA scientists have spotted galaxy that is farthest in distance so far. It is believed to have been formed around 500 million years ago.
Scientists, who spotted it with the help of NASA's Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes after an intense deep survey, named the galaxy as 'SPT0615-JD'.
Several other small galaxies were also seen in the midway; their small size and long distance only made them appear like a red dot in the space.
"No other candidate galaxy has been found at such a great distance that also gives you the spatial information that this arc image does," said Brett Salmon of the Space Telescope Science Institute in the US.
"By analysing the effects of gravitational lensing on the image of this galaxy, we can determine its actual size and shape," said Mr Salmon.
To battle out the distance worry, scientists used a "zoom lens" effect to go hunting for amplified images of distant galaxies that otherwise would not be visible with today's telescopes.
Though it comes under the maximum range of Hubble's detection capabilities, the good news remains with the fact that it lies in the starting range of NASA's upcoming James Webb Space Telescope.
"This galaxy is an exciting target for science with the Webb telescope as it offers the unique opportunity for resolving stellar populations in the very early universe," Mr Salmon said.