Check out the panoramic view of Mars from NASA's Perseverance rover

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Check out the panoramic view of Mars from NASA's Perseverance rover (Image: Twitter/NASAPersevere)
Check out the panoramic view of Mars from NASA's Perseverance rover (Image: Twitter/NASAPersevere)

New Delhi : Ever since NASA's Perseverance rover landed on the Red Planet, a lot of new pictures have been shared by the space agency with the people. In a latest, they have shared a 360 degree panoramic view of the planet from the landing site of the rover.

The High Definition quality image has been captured by rotating the mast of the rover where a high tech camera setup has been mounted. The released image is a combination of 142 images that shows the crater rim and cliff on an ancient river delta from afar. 

Check out the image below:

The Perseverance rover has been fitted with a total of 23 cameras, including a Mastcam-Z that is capable of zooming in and keeping the focus on to deliver high quality images. It can produce 3D images too. The camera is mounted at six feet six inches and 9.5 inches apart from each other enabling stereo vision.

The latest set of images will enable scientists to learn in detail about the geographical and atmospheric conditions of the Red planet. It will help them pay close attention to certain rocks and sediments using instruments onboard.

The rover has been designed in a way that it will be collecting some sample rocks which will be sent back to earth for further studies.

“We’re nestled right in a sweet spot, where you can see different features similar in many ways to features found by Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity at their landing sites,” Jim Bell of Arizona State University’s School of Earth and Space Exploration, the instrument’s principal investigator said.