Nothing chats app faces Setback: Removed from Play Store amid 'Several Bugs'

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Nothing chats app faces Setback: Removed from Play Store amid 'Several Bugs'
Nothing chats app faces Setback: Removed from Play Store amid 'Several Bugs'

Delhi : Nothing took down its Nothing Chats Beta app from the Google Play Store in less than a week after it was released. The firm said that there are some flaws in the current version of the app, so they are postponing the launch until later. The creator of, Kishan Bagaria, also disclosed that the Sunbird app uses plaintext HTTP rather than HTTPS and that "credentials are sent over plaintext HTTP." Sunbird's "backend is running an instance of BlueBubbles, which does not yet support end-to-end encryption," Bagaria continued. But Sunbird has also provided Bagaria with thorough answers, one of which dispels the myth about delivering passwords over unencrypted HTTP.

The HTTP is only utilized as a component of the app's one-time first request to alert the back end of the impending iMessage connection iteration over a stand-alone communication channel, according to Sunbird. Sunbird's primary priority has always been security.

To put it briefly, the software claims to let users of the Nothing Phone 2 speak with iPhone users using iMessage even if it is on Android. But to do so, the Nothing Chats app collaborated with Sunbird, and to use these capabilities, one must login in with their Apple ID.

Having stated that, Apple declared that it will eventually begin supporting RCS for improved text-based communication with Android smartphones, enabling capabilities like transferring high-resolution media files, read receipts, typing indications, and more. This announcement came soon after Nothing published the Chats app. This decision gives Android users an official alternative to applications like Sunbird, and it may no longer be necessary to utilize these apps. RCS technology is anticipated to arrive on iPhones next year, and it will continue to function alongside iMessage.