WhatsApp to impose new limits to chat forwards: What has changed for limit of five?
New Delhi : To curb the massive transfer of message and misinformation along with it, the WhatsApp has imposed a new limit on the total number of forwards one man can do at one time. It was limited to five earlier, after the guidelines from the government to restrict the mega flow of fake news on the social media platform.
According to a media portal, WhatsApp is set to roll out new features for forwarded messages, it has been learned that the company will soon be limiting the number of forwards to one person at a time.
WhatsApp earlier let users send frequently forwarded messages to a maximum of five chats. This led to a 25% decrease in people sending forwarded messages on the platform, WhatsApp said.
WhatsApp’s Covid-19 efforts
WhatsApp said the latest change to this feature comes as a part of the company’s efforts to curb misinformation on Covid-19. WhatsApp also launched its coronavirus information hub, and donated $1 million for fact-checking services. It has also partnered with the Indian government and state governments to launch Covid-19 WhatsApp chatbots.