WhatsApp's Next Level: Meta conducts testing for AI Chatbot shortcut button
Delhi : In its most recent beta release for Android users, WhatsApp included a new shortcut function for its AI-powered chatbot. This creative addition, as seen in a screenshot provided by the source, adds a handy shortcut button directly above the Chats menu's "Start New Chat" option. A limited number of customers who have obtained the latest WhatsApp beta version from the Google Play Store are presently able to test the functionality. WhatsApp intends to make itself more widely available to a larger user base in the coming weeks.
Whatsapp unlocks a powerful chatbot from AI integration
Users no longer need to browse to the contact list in order to access AI-powered conversations; instead, they can access them with ease from the conversations menu thanks to this dedicated shortcut button. This improvement simplifies the user interface and facilitates more natural engagement with AI-powered interactions.
The CEO of Meta, the company that owns WhatsApp, Mark Zuckerberg, revealed intentions for an AI-powered chatbot feature back in September. It is intended to support users in their everyday tasks by offering recommendations and timely answers. Although an official release date has not yet been announced, it is expected that the AI-powered chatbot will soon become a stable upgrade, expanding WhatsApp's functionality even further.
A voice chat option for big groups has also just been released by WhatsApp. Instead of calling each member individually, this feature offers a novel way for group communication, enabling individuals to join chats covertly through an in-chat popup notice. People can enter and exit the voice chat without interfering with others. While the audio conversation is in progress, call controls are easily available at the top of the chat screen, making it easier for participants and non-participants to send text messages.