UK Parliament Attack: Police officer, another, shot at outside Westminster

London : Two men, including a police officer, were shot at outside Westminster on Wednesday, leading to the lower house of parliament suspending its proceedings, the media reported.
The House of Commons Speaker said that the shutdown will continue till further notice, the Independent reported.
Commons Leader David Lidington told MPs that a "police officer has been stabbed" and the "alleged assailant was shot by armed police" following a "serious" incident within the parliamentary estate.
London police said they were called to a firearms incident at Westminster Bridge near the British Parliament on Wednesday.
"We were called at approx 2.40 p.m. to reports of an incident at Westminster Bridge. Being treated as a firearms incident - police on scene," the Metropolitan Police tweeted.
According to a witness, a policeman grabbed someone who was coming in the House and evicted him.
"I was told by one security guard to get out while another one told me to get in. As I walked in I heard a security guard get a radio message saying 'a policeman has been stabbed'".
Two men have been shot - one, presumably the assailant "who looked like he could be dead", said the report.
Staff inside Parliament were told to stay inside their offices.