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YouTube Music now free with ads for Google Home users

YouTube Music now free with ads for Google Home users

New Delhi : From Thursday, YouTube Music will be offered for free to Google Home users but it will contain sponsored ads.

Just navigate to account settings, tap services and select music, then set YouTube Music as the default music service. To play music, all you will need is to say "Hey Google, play [whatever]".

Since it is a free version, the users will not be allowed to make a request for a specific song, but one can tell his favourite genre or style or mood of music.

No changes have been made for the paid version of YouTube Music Premium where users are allowed to make a specific song request. So while this free experience isn't nearly as flexible as what you get when you're signed up for a subscription, it does give Google something to compete with Spotify and Pandora's free offerings on smart speakers.

Meanwhile, YouTube Music is making inroads elsewhere despite its relatively late arrival to the streaming scene, arriving on Sonos and the Google Clock app for Android earlier this year, and pushing forward with its event partnerships.

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