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Pfizer expects to launch omicron vaccine by March

Pfizer expects to launch omicron vaccine by March (Image: Pixabay)

New Delhi : Pfizer expects to bring a new coronavirus vaccine, designed to fight omicron strain, by the end of March this year, said the company's head.

Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla told CNBC that Pfizer is already manufacturing doses due to the urgent need and keen interest of various nations.

"This vaccine will be ready in March," Bourla told the network. "I don't know if we will need it. I don't know if and how it will be used."

He also mentioned that the current double dose of vaccine regime has provided significant protection against the deadly virus. But, a vaccine targeted towards omicron variant will provide better safety against the virus.

In a separate interview with CNBC Monday, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said the company is developing a booster that could address Omicron and other emerging strains in the fall 2022.

"We are discussing with public health leaders around the world to decide what we think is the best strategy for a potential booster for the fall of 2022," Bancel told the network.  

"We need to be careful to try to stay ahead of a virus and not behind the virus."

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