Abhishek Raj Jain launched a learning course for youth under self-reliant India Mission

New Delhi : Millions of students are ready to step into corporate world after their graduation, but unfortunately not everyone will get a desire job. There is a huge gap in numbers when we talk about the youth who are earning and who are graduate. In era of social media, people are connected to millions of followers or we may say their potential customers. Using Internet and social media for hours has wiped out the productivity also leading the health and mental issues. Maybe you feel sad, hopeless, or don’t get any joy out of activities that used to be fun. Sometimes you're worried, afraid, and just plain uneasy. Isn't that a sign of anxiety? “Depression and anxiety are like flip sides of the same coin, Being depressed often makes us anxious, and anxiety often makes us depressed. To avoid such issues, make youth self-reliant “Abhishek Raj Jain” brings a online digital course which would provide a platform to earn with learn.
Among a plethora of people on this earth, most are conflicted in their thoughts about money and success, and other conflicted with their personal and professional life. While opinion and understanding vary across people, Abhishek Raj Jain, an life coach and successful businessman says “Nature has given us all the pieces required to achieve exceptional wellness and health, but has left it to us to put these pieces together” he also suggest “don’t waste your life in scrolling reels on social media, you cannot earn respect and money with that”.
What empowers Abhishek to offer these insights is his experience in life. He comes from a humble background and understands what it takes to build a business with limited resources from scratch. He has also earned a handsome background at an age when everyone thought the time was not for earning but for learning. According to Abhishek, earning and learning go hand in hand. He has also seen an abundance of money in their business and lost interest in it only to realize a few important aspects of money and earning. It is these aspects that he wishes to tell everyone and prevent them from making the same mistakes as he did.
At a young age, Abhishek tried his hands at multiple businesses and excelled at all his endeavors. Sometime after the beginning of his journey, he had made enough money to buy the coveted car, the Mercedes. While he was ecstatic about his purchase, he soon sold the car at a profit. This is a rare event in the market and motivated Abhishek to consider automobiles seriously as a career and business avenue. All these years of trying, falling, failing, and succeeding have helped him learn and lot and he wants to extend his knowledge to the community. His ideas about business, cars and fitness are all revolving around one common ground he believes into which is self-improvement. For people who are in depression due to money issue in their personal life, He claims that “anyone who has a smartphone, and a functioning brain can earn a living in 30 days” sone might even say it’s an outrageous claim since we all understand that earning is not a children play since the beginning of time. His arguments and examples are quite challenging and even promising at the same time, he is confident about his theories and his fan base, through these this young individual has been going all
over the Nation changing people’s perspective towards working and earning. he is already having more than a million followers across social media. You may follow him and his vision on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/__abhishekrajjain/