Rethinking Education - A journey through Inner transformation
New Delhi : The Hon’ble Chairman, AICTE Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabuddhe welcomed His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Gurudev Ji for interactive dialogue on the topic “Rethinking Education - A journey through Inner transformation”. The session was full of insights about how we can inculcate the human values among ourselves in today’s world without losing out on the knowledge and application about rapid advancement in Science and Technology like AI,IoT .The session also highlighted about the importance of inner transformation through the technique bestowed upon us by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji like Sudarshan Kriya , Meditation which can help us handle our stress and anxiety in present environment and remain happy, calm and full of compassion .
On the occasion, the Hon'ble Chairman said that lot of anxieties and conflicts are happening in and out of the country because of pandemic and that journey towards humanity seems to be the solution. In the ancient times our country had Gurukula system through which students were trained in philosophy, mathematics, along with knowledge about science and outside world. No doubt because of industrial revolution, lot of progress happened in science and technology, development of gadgets for entertainment and to make life luxurious but the very essence of education i.e holistic human being is lacking. He stressed how the meditation,sudarsharn kriya have benefitted humanity.He highlighted various initiatives of AICTE like Examination reforms, Innovation Council, Smart India Hackathon , student induction program, universal human values program, Indian Knowledge system.
He further highlighted that in the times of Covid , AICTE didn’t stop and we have trained more than 1 lakh faculty members in emerging areas.
“We got introduced to Art of Living Session through volunteers three years ago in AICTE and got to know about Sudarshan Kriya, Meditation and the outcome have been tremendous on AICTE family as it increased our efficiency in work and taught us how to keep harmony among ourselves,”said Prof M.P. Poonia, Vice Chairman, AICTE. He also told that Corona pandemic didn’t had much adverse effect on our well-being because of strong culture of family values, traditions and culture prevalent in our society.
Prof. Rajive Kumar, Hon'ble Member Secretary AICTE asked Sri Sri that in the times of pandemic, how can spirituality make our faculty members and students come out of the trauma and whether happiness and sadness exist only in state of our mind or is it something else.
Guruji replied that faith and devotion towards higher power and feeling of seva (service) is of paramount importance in today’s world.
Dr. Ravindra Kumar Soni, Director, ATAL Academies expressed that ATAL FDP is world largest faculty development programme. He further mentioned that ATAL Academy is also conducting FDPs in life skill managements long with emerging areas.
Vote of thanks, by Manoj Kumar Tiwari ,Regional officer in which he heartfully thanked everyone present in meeting as well as faculty members and student and stressed about the need of guru-shisya tradition.
Other high ranking officials present from AICTE apart from above were Rajesh Kakde Advisor-I, and Dr Girdhari Lal Garg Asst . Director.