India's coronavirus cases have grown 6 times in nine days

New Delhi : India on Wednesday reported 58,097 new cases of coronavirus, 55 per cent more than what was recorded on Tuesday (37,379). On December 9, the nation had reported around 9,000 cases, the cases have grown six times in around nine days.
Currently, India has around 2,135 cases of Omicron – the most in Maharashtra (653), followed by Delhi (464).
The weekly positivity rate stands at 2.60 per cent and the daily positivity rate is at 4.18 per cent. Positivity rate is the percentage of tests coming positive out of the total tested.
The recovery rate is currently at 98.01 per cent. At least 15,389 people have recovered in the last 24 hours. The total number of people who have recovered is 3,43,21,803.
Active cases account for less than 1 per cent of total cases, currently at 0.61 per cent. The active caseload stands at 2,14,004.
On Monday, India started vaccination of teenagers in the age group of 15-18 years.
Meanwhile, several states have announced night curfews and weekend lockdowns to stop spread of coronavirus.
While the variant is spreading like wildfire around the world, it appears to be far less severe than initially feared and has raised hopes that the pandemic could be overcome and life return to more normality, the WHO has said.