Watch: Delhi Police warned Nizamuddin Markaz to vacate on March 23
New Delhi : Delhi Police has released a video of a warning issued to senior members of Nizamuddin Markaz on March 23 to vacate Markaz and follow the lockdown guidelines.
In the video, the officials can be seen saying that around 1500 members have been cleared and only 1000 people are left in the Markaz. They also explained that the ones remaining are not from Delhi and since the borders are sealed they cannot be moved out.
The police officer can be seen advising the members to coordinate with SGM and get the place vacated at earliest for the safety of the people.
Though, the members had agreed to it and were warned that if it is not vacated a legal action will be taken; it is known that nothing happened in accordance with the video.
#WATCH Delhi Police release a video of its warning to senior members of Markaz, Nizamuddin to vacate Markaz & follow lockdown guidelines, on 23rd March 2020. #COVID19
— ANI (@ANI) March 31, 2020
More than a hundred people have tested positive for coronavirus and a nationwide manhunt is on for suspected cases after a large religious gathering at Delhi's Nizamuddin that has emerged as a virus hotspot with links to seven COVID-19 deaths. Nearly 1,900 people have been evacuated from "Markaz Nizamuddin", the Delhi headquarters of the Tablighi Jamaat group, since Sunday and at least 441 in Delhi have shown symptoms of the virus.