Student beaten to death in Delhi school

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New Delhi : A 17-year-old student of a government school here died after he was allegedly beaten up by a group of students in the school compound, police said on Thursday.

The incident occurred on Wednesday following a scuffle at Jyoti Nagar's S.K.V school.

When the policemen reached the spot, they found Gaurav, a student of Class 10, lying badly injured, said a police officer. "His brother Gobinda brought him to GTB Hospital. The doctors declared him brought dead.

"Gaurav was staying with his parents in Babarpur. He had gone to meet his class teacher," the officer added.

"A murder case has been registered. Some students are being questioned. The cause of death will be ascertained after autopsy," he said.

Published : Thursday, July 19, 2018 14:00 [IST]
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