Here's why you should never cook these 3 foods in a pressure cooker

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Here's why you should never cook these 3 foods in a pressure cooker
Here's why you should never cook these 3 foods in a pressure cooker

New Delhi : Everything we consume plays a major role in keeping us healthy and fit. Most of us try to consume homecooked food in order to stay healthy and follow a healthy lifestyle but some simple mistakes could be harmful to our health. Making mistakes with homecooked food could also lead to health problems. This is why we need to be very careful when we cook our meals. Most of us try to use a pressure cooker when we want to put together a quick meal but did you know that some food items can be dangerous for our health when cooked in a pressure cooker? It is often suggested that pressure cooker kills the nutrients in food and makes it unhealthy. Experts believe that starch-rich food items can be harmful when cooked in a pressure cooker. Here are some things that you should avoid cooking in a pressure cooker.

1/3 Rice


Most of us cook rice in a pressure cooker because that's the best and the fastest way to cook it but what most of us are unaware of is that cooking rice in a pressure cooker can produce a chemical called acrylamide which is harmful to our health and can lead to diseases and also cause obesity. 

2/3 Pasta


It's best to boil pasta in a pan because it has starch and can pose a health risk when cooked in a pressure cooker. It can lead to health problems and it's best to stay healthy and safe. 

3/3 Potatoes


Boiling potatoes is not easy and can take forever but putting them in a pressure cooker can save us all the trouble. Potatoes contain starch which is why we shouldn't cook it in a pressure cooker. This also increases the risk of developing cancer, neurological problems and other such diseases.