The girl that can't be hugged and has skin like butterfly wings
Los Angeles : What if you cannot hug your family members because of some medical condition. An 18-year-old is facing similar woes because of her 'fragile butterfly wing' skin that could tear down to the muscle.
The girl in question, Madisyn Yuhas, hails from Elizabethtown in Pennsylvania, USA and suffers from a rare genetic condition which makes her insufferable as she has to be wrapped in bandages from the neck down to protect her body.
The girl can bath but her freshness will only last for four hours and her parents also have to use bleach in the bathwater "to keep the infection down".
Her sufferings are more as she have to be tube fed because she experiences agonising pain while eating.
The girl only weighs 6st (84lb) because chewing causes painful blisters in her mouth.
Her condition is described as Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (RDEB) by doctors. This is a rare genetic condition that means her skin is as fragile as a butterfly's wing and can tear off with the lightest friction.
Her doctor Mum Mary Yuhas, 46, a heart specialist, says: "We're trying to up her calorie intake to help her gain weight, but she can't chew otherwise it will cause blisters in her mouth. She only weighs 6st (84lb), we have to feed her through a g-tube and so she just eats pleasure foods through her mouth. The pain means she eats very little and requires nightly liquid feedings through the tube, if we can't get fluids or meds into her she has to be admitted to hospital. The calories are vital to helping her fight off infection and keeping her body from shutting down. There is no cure for Madisyn's condition so every day is a struggle for her.”