Greenland's coastal Ice Sheet to disappear by 2100, claims study by Ohio University

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With Global Warming, taking its toll in every aspect of life, nothing has been left untouched with its ill-effects.
With Global Warming, taking its toll in every aspect of life, nothing has been left untouched with its ill-effects.

Greenland : With Global Warming, taking its toll in every aspect of life, nothing has been left untouched with its ill-effects. The much effected and effective on our environment is Greenland’s costal glaciers and ice caps, which are melting at a very rapid rate. They have even melted to a point, that there is no coming back 

But it has happened because of the heat wave and somewhere it is theoretically possible that the ice would return. On the contrary, on various study of science, scientists believe that it is impossible to ever happen again.

The most devastating part of this whole scenario is this was identified in 1997, but nothing was done in this and we have come down to this.


Nothing can be undone and surely not to be ignored.

If the ice is melting at this rapid rate, it is sure to have effects. The most obvious one will be the rising sea level. Glaciers which are believed to be gone by 2100 are sure to increase the sea level by 3.8cm. side by side other ice is also melting and adding sea level, but 3.8cm alone will have drastic changes and effects on the environment and people.

There is a positive outcome of this news also, surprisingly, for scientists. The problem is not new to us or has suddenly occurred, but it has happened over time. As we have already crossed the limit line, our dear scientists have come up with a solid frame to work on. 

All this is a direct result of what we have done to us environment, so according to Scientists; we are only ones having the ability to destroy it. As renewable energy resources become more powerful and more available, and options to detract from climate change become more possible, it is up to us to make the decision to save our planet.