Know best time of day to test your perfume

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New Delhi : For most of us, a day is incomplete without the fragrance of perfume. And, we don't need anyone to teach how to apply perfume the right way. But, yes, we need to know the best time of a day to choose the right scent. Here, in this article, we will discuss the ideal time of day to test our perfume. Just read on-

The season of fragrance, the fall is soon to meet us. The shops will offer pretty little bottles primed to add to our beauty section. But, before you spray one on your way, be sure to so some home work. 

Experts say when you wake up in the morning your sense of smell is heightened and hasn’t yet encountered quite so many scents, smells, and odours as it typically would have by the end of the day. Therefore, you’ve got a little bit more a blank canvas to work with. 

Besides the sense of smell, a right spray in the morning directly has effect your whole day schedule. If you spritz directly on the skin, you will experience the top, middle, and base notes as you move throughout your day. This is why, it’s best to skip the testing strips and apply directly to skin. But be sure not to rub on your skin. 

Also, to get the full fragrance, you need to let it breathe. It won’t be until a few hours later that you’ll understand the depth of the fragrance. You will come to know how well it plays with your skin and smells differently according to the natural odour of your body.