NASA's 10-year-long timelapse video of the Sun is BREATHTAKING

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NASA's 10-year-long timelapse video of the Sun is BREATHTAKING
NASA's 10-year-long timelapse video of the Sun is BREATHTAKING

New Delhi : American space agency NASA recently released a timelapse video of the Sun on their official YouTube channel which is breathtaking and has left people in awe. Released by Goddard Space Flight Center, 10-year-long incredible timelapse video of the Sun presents how magnificent Sun looks.

An hour long video clip deserves your time as it showcases some of the most "noteworthy events" related to the Sun which take place over the course of a decade. The key events to be noted include incidents like “transit of Venus across the face of the Sun,” “powerful sequence of flares,” “eruptions,” and much more.

Sharing the video with people on social media, the space agency wrote, "NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory — SDO — has now been watching the Sun non-stop for over a full decade."

"From its orbit in space around the Earth, SDO has gathered 425 million high-resolution images of the Sun, amassing 20 million gigabytes of data over the past 10 years. This information has enabled countless new discoveries about the workings of our closest star and how it influences the solar system," they added.

The agency has also provided links for the incident to learn more about them in detail.

Take a look at the video and chances are it'll leave you mesmerised:

The video is getting positive reactions from the people on social media. "That’s what you call a timelapse, its wonderful!" wrote a YouTube user. "As I watch this, I realize I’m involuntarily smiling," expressed another. "Incredible to see him grow up so much in a decade, time flies,” expressed a third. “This is utterly incredible," wrote a fourth and we completely agree.